Fall or Spring: When is The Best Time to Get Your Air Conditioner Repaired?

It’s quite common to encounter problems with your air conditioning unit now and then but getting it repaired or serviced before the summer arrives is essential for you and your family members to stay safe and comfortable. Now, the big question is when is the best time to get your air conditioner repaired and where to go for the best AC repair in Oklahoma City OKRead on and get all your answers by the end of this article.

Fall Or Spring? 

Many people wonder whether spring is the best time or fall is the best time to get their air conditioner or HVAC system repaired. There is no debate on this question because spring is the ultimate choice for anyone to get their air conditioning unit serviced. Here are some reasons why. 

  • Reduced energy bills: Getting your air conditioning unit serviced before the summer months begin will help you reduce the utility bills because an inefficiently working air conditioner will consume more energy to produce the required temperature. It will result in higher energy bills during the peak of the summer months.

  • Fewer repairs: Your air conditioner is almost working all the time during the peak of summer months. So if you get your air conditioning unit repaired in the spring, it ensures fewer repairs during the summertime. It also increases the life span of the air conditioning unit.

  • Maintain manufacturer warranties: Regularly servicing your air conditioning unit prevents the manufacturers from voiding the warranties attached to your air conditioning unit. It is because they know the impotence of regular services. So, servicing your air conditioning unit in the spring before the summer hits hard helps you maintain your warranties.

  • Easy appointments: Most people think of their air conditioners only after the summer starts. It makes it difficult for them to get an appointment with the technicians as they will be packed up with the appointments for air conditioning repairs. So getting an appointment for your air conditioner repair or service in the spring is the best choice as the manufacturer will be free.

  • Prolongs lifespan: Bi-annual maintenance can increase your air conditioning unit’s lifespan by 30-35%. An average air conditioning unit comes with a lifespan of 15 years, and you can probably add five years to it with cost-effective maintenance plans. So, use the springtime effectively by getting your air conditioner serviced with ease.

Thus, getting your air conditioner repaired or serviced during the spring will help the system get fired up and work without any issues. It also helps you know if there is any serious problem with your air conditioner and fix it before the summer starts.

Suppose you will make the best of this spring by planning a repair or service for your air conditioning unit. In that case, you can always contact A & T Mechanical heating and air conditioning services as they provide the best air conditioning service OKC. They have been providing their professional and personalized services at affordable rates for more than thirty years now. 

Contact them today to schedule a meeting!

Here are some other services to check:
1. Furnace Replacement in Oklahoma City, OK
2. Heater Repair in OKC
3. Heat Pump Repair in Oklahoma City, OK

Caleb Roche

Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Caleb is a Marketing Consultant that helps businesses build better marketing strategies. Combining strategy with implementation, he focuses on building long-term customers through data-driven decision-making. With experience working with both small and large companies, he has the experience to help businesses create strategic marketing plans that focus specifically on each business’s strengths, not just a one size fits all/template-based strategy.


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